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Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia

Women Empowerment in Simeulue

Yakopi carried out empowerment activities in the form of “Fishery Products Processed Production Training.” Simeulue is an archipelago that has a lot of marine life, especially in mangrove restoration areas that has been planted by Yakopi, namely Serafon Village, Muara Aman Village, and Sambai Village. This program was created specifically for empowerment of women in those village. The form of training was to processed sea cucumbers into crackers. Sea cucumbers or Holothuroidea is one of marine life that has so many benefits, such as healing the wounds, maintaining the health of heart, liver, and reducing the risk of cancer.

The activity was opened by Danlanal (Commander of the Indonesian Navy Base) Mr. Hendra Dwinanto, S.H.,M.Tr.Opsla and Head of Jalasenastri, Mrs. Elin Hendra Dwinanto. Training was trained directly by Mr. Zulfikar, whom is a sea cucumber cracker entrepreneur in Simeulue. Hopefully with this activity they can increasing of their household income and maximizing the opportunity of the economic in mangrove restoration area. Yakopi will continue to assist the development of existing products into the Professional stage, so that communities that mentored by Yakopi can live in prosperity. The activity is one form of follow up activity from restoration that carried out with the community.

Let us get involved together "save mangroves and save coastal communities from economic downturns and loss of biodiversity in mangrove forests ".