Showcasing YAKOPI's 2024 Collaborations with Governments

What We Are
We are a non-profit organisation dedicated to climate change mitigation and community empowerment through the restoration of ecosystems, particularly in coastal and mountainous regions, and the training of communities through the use of natural resources. Our programmes focus on restoration, education, monitoring, agroforestry, human resource development, green growth and biodiversity.
What We Do?
Restoration helps to restore damaged or degraded ecosystems, such as forests, wetlands and coral reefs, which are important for biodiversity and can help reduce the risk of floods, landslides and storms.
Our awareness-raising programmes aim to increase people’s understanding of environmental issues such as climate change and biodiversity, encourage active participation in environmental protection efforts and support wise decision-making, promote creative thinking and solutions to environmental challenges, and prepare people for natural disasters and urgent environmental changes.
Livelihoods programmes are one way of achieving a balance between human well-being and environmental conservation, ensuring that communities can live sustainably while conserving natural ecosystems and building economies that are more resilient to environmental and global economic changes.
Headline News

On October 1, 2024, YAKOPI’s office welcomed colleagues from BRGM. Attended by Aditya Wahyu Putra as a Manager of PPIU M4CR Nort Sumatera Province and Sigit Prasetyo as a Mangrove Rehabilitation Assistant PPIU M4CR North Sumatera Province, Arya as Staff BRGMand Fauziah as Secertariat Admin BRGM.
The visit aimed to foster collaboration, synergy, and coordination regarding planting locations and other potential cooperation opportunities. By sharing information on planting activities previously undertaken by YAKOPI and BRGM, we can prevent overlapping areas in the field and ensure that our efforts have the greatest possible impact on the environment and the community. Together, we can achieve a healthier ecosystem!
In the Joint Agreement Signing event between the Gunungsitoli City Government and the Indonesian Coastal Conservation Foundation (YAKOPI) on Friday (31/05/2024), it was stated that at present, Indonesia, particularly Gunungsitoli City, is undergoing significant climate change, evidenced by prolonged drought affecting the Gunungsitoli City region and consequently impacting the coastal ecosystem.
Weekly News
Mangrove Forest
Mangroves play an important role in protecting the coast from storms, waves, and wind. Strong winds and seawater intrusion can be mitigated by mangrove stands, which can protect settlements, buildings, and agriculture. Mangroves have also been shown to play an important role in storm protection. Mangrove roots can bind to and stabilize mud substrates, trees can reduce wave energy and slow currents, and vegetation as a whole can trap sediment (Davies and Claridge, 1993 and Othman, 1994).