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Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia

World Mangrove Day 2023

In commemoration of world mangrove day July 26 2023, YAKOPI together with the Kwala Gebang Village Community carried out a series of environmental activities such as planting mangroves, cleaning beaches and increasing community awareness capacity.

The joint mangrove planting activity was carried out in the Black Sand Ecotourism area assisted by YAKOPI. This activity involved approximately 100 people and 70% were youth.

The next activity was cleaning the beach around the mangrove forest in Kwala Gebang Village, which managed to clean up 200 kg of trash, which was dominated by plastic waste.

Awareness capacity building activities are carried out through education given to Mts Nurul Iman Ummi Saudah students about the benefits of mangroves and the important role of mangroves for humans and the environment. The assessment of increasing understanding is assessed through the results of the pre and post tests. Students seemed to actively participate in the activity well.

It is hoped that this series of activities will be able to foster a sense of public awareness to protect the mangrove ecosystem. The Kwala Gebang community also hopes that the mangroves that have been planted can provide great benefits, especially for sustainable economic welfare.

Happy World Mangrove Day 26 July 2023.