School Visit to SMAN 1 Lhoknga
YAKOPI Goes To School
One of YAKOPI’s missions is to preserve and conserve existing mangroves, educate about how to restore damaged or unhealthy mangrove ecosystems, and encourage young people to actively pay attention to local forests. therefore YAKOPI held a school visit to SMAN 1 Lhoknga.
This activity was carried out on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 guided by Andrey and Mrs. Sofia Asfayati, S.Pd. There were 35 students from grades 10 and 11 who participated in the socialization of the importance of mangroves as climate change mitigation in mangrove nursery practices.The socialization activity is divided into four stages, namely pre-test, education, practice and evaluation.
The pretest was carried out before giving the presentation material with the aim of measuring students’ understanding before and after being given education. Followed by the provision of educational materials related to mangroves and climate change. At the end of the activity there is a quiz and those who succeed in answering are given attractive prizes. This activity will continue to be carried out by YAKOPI in other schools to prepare the younger generation to face their future, and the future of the world.