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Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia

School Visit to SMAN 1 Peukan Bada

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YAKOPI Goes To School

Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia or often called YAKOPI is an institution that cares about the conservation and restoration of mangroves in coastal areas both for environmental mitigation and adaptation as an effort to improve the community’s economy, Yakopi also involves the younger generation to actively pay attention to local wisdom. forests, mangrove ecosystems or forests to be sustainable. Therefore, YAKOPI paid a visit to the Peukan Bada school.

This activity was held on Saturday, March 12, 2022, guided by Andrey, with 65 students participating in the socialization of the importance of mangroves as climate change mitigation in mangrove nursery practices. The socialization activities were divided into three stages, namely Material, Practice and Games.

Providing educational materials related to mangroves and climate change, then carried out practices aimed at deepening the material that has been conveyed, while at the end of the activity there are educational games. This activity will continue to be carried out by YAKOPI in other schools to prepare the younger generation to face their future, and the future of the world.