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Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia

Boat Race Competition in Dogang Village

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Celebrating the 273rd anniversery of Langkat Regency on 9th January 2023, Yakopi and Dogang village as a mentored by Yakopi held a boat race contest that was held at Doremi River Ecotourism. Doremi River is an ecotourism assisted by Yakopi and has been partnered for about 1 year. Yakopi has helped to develop in terms of facilities such as a boat and 3 units of stalls. Yakopi also do promote as the follow-up of restoration which had been carried out in Dogang Village. It was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Djohar Arifin Husin as a member of Indonesian Parliament, Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia (Yakopi), District Head of Gebang, Police Chief of Gebang, Head of Dogang Village, and Babinsa Dogang.

The event was participated by 13 boats consisting of 5 people in each boat. Boat race competition was followed by all Gebang sub-district. The distance that must be traveled from the start line to finish line was approximately 100m. All participants were enthusiast can be took a part of the competition. Local community also flocked the area to see the event. The prizes that were given to the winners are medals, money, and several sacks of rice. The first posisition was filled from Dogang Village, the second position was from Pkn Gebang, and the third was from Pasar Rawa Village.

Apart from the boat race contest, there were also the inauguration of a floating café which was aid from Ministry of Tourism. Hopefully from this event, the community will become more familiar with Doremi River ecotourism and the programs that run by Yakopi.